An intelligent way of life, Smart Life is the book that explains how to do it

Smart Life, knowing the secrets of a long life

An intelligent and longer life? Of course, when the hostile of life is healthy. In just over 250 pages, in the book just published by the journalist Vera Paggi, "Smartlife. Life, self-care, food to live longer", explains and gives advice on how to keep fit with great health benefits .

In the brief introduction the " Ten Recommendations " are outlined, which should be respected in order to have a healthy and long-lived life, drawn up considering the most solid results of world scientific research and compiled by the World Fund for Research on Cancer (WCRF), together with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), namely:

> stay lean for life;

> stay active ;

> limiting the consumption of caloric foods, sugar salt, alcoholic beverages and red or preserved meats ;

to base the diet above all on foods of vegetable origin to avoid foods contaminated by molds;

> breastfeed for at least six months;

> ensure a supply of all the necessary nutrients through food and in a balanced way.

In the following pages, dense and well-argued, the author examines well all the points listed above, highlighting what, in practice and daily in the home, it is essential to consider.

There are also interviews and questions open to specialists and experts in the field, such as questions addressed to Bernardo Bonanni, director of the Division of genetic and oncological prevention of the European Institute of Oncology (IEO).

In short, SmartLife is a real wellness guide designed for the whole family.

Smart Life in a nutshell

If you believe you already know everything and are up to date on how to fully respect your health, here you can even better verify, experiment firsthand ; or if instead you feel fasting or slightly updated this is an excellent opportunity to increase knowledge on the subject.

The author of SmartLife draws the strings of a long work of critical consumption and inquiries on the subject, beginning to explain how diet and food work, continuing with the care of the home and the body , aesthetics included ; to then enter the delicate world of prevention : from domestic pollution, to conservation, to the way of cooking or throwing out food (but no!).

One chapter of the book Smart Life is dedicated to the importance of the daily movement and another to the care of the intestine, a fundamental organ for health. Finally, the importance of prevention by driving away some bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Diet, body care, aesthetics

From the "right" weight to the food pyramid, from "whole" to "organic" consumption, through fasting. The varied intake of legumes, fish and meat: in relief, starting from proven bases, the ability of food and food is put to make us feel good, always strong of "we are - also - what we eat".

Cellulite, health of skin, eyes, teeth can benefit from every little food discovery, but also cosmetic. Not all make-up tricks are the same, not even deodorants or toothpastes, this book also warns against possible pitfalls that can be found in the most common products.

Disease prevention

Prevention also passes from the habit of doing or not doing something: if you drink beer every night, in the long run the body will feel its weight, especially in the morning.

If, on the other hand, you start a training program, after the first two weeks of running or walking or light physical activity, you will experience extraordinary and unexpected benefits.

Why not allow yourself to experience change? This is Vera Paggi's invitation. Do not forget the author to shed light on the "new smoke", or electronic cigarettes, on cardiovascular diseases, on the Papilloma Virus or other diseases.

Health Food

Longevity can also be achieved simply by knowing how to read a label : do you really know how to do it? Do you know what is required to be reported? Here is that SmartLife puts the magnifying glass on all those little writings that are often ignored, allowing the consumer to make more informed and healthy choices .

Furthermore it is clearly listed which are the additives that it would be better to avoid and why, from the glutamate to the polyphosphates, passing through the sulphites, arriving to the various suspicious acronyms (E102, E340, E 406 and so on).

The health food also affects the liquids that pass through the body, water in the first place, so here we are given a clear indication to choose the right water and not despise that of the mayor.

The way in which foods are cooked turns out to be essential: green steam, pressure cooker, food stew, but be careful to fry and grill, little and in the right way.

The food and drink preservation factor is also important: SmartLife teaches you to know the life of food, how long it can feed us again after the expiry date and how it can be stored in the fridge or pantry.

A book that does good, surely, also according to another meaning: on each copy of the book Smart Life (Skira), 1 euro will be donated to the IEO Foundation • CCM - European Institute of Oncology and Monzino Cardiology Center to support the scientific research.

Vera Paggi, RAI journalist, was responsible for nutrition, health and safety for the newspaper "l'Unità" while for "Altroconsumo" she followed surveys and comparative tests. He has collaborated with the "Corriere della Sera" and "la Repubblica". For Rainews24 he designed and edited a weekly consumer information column.

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