Sometimes we feel the need for a deep purification of the organism, but, for a whole series of reasons, just as often we let ourselves be discouraged, we postpone, we hope "one day" to be able to do it.
This short article will introduce you to a way to purify short and intense, but sweet at the same time, which is based on nutrition and which comes from the book "Week end acid base" written by a dietician and expert in natural remedies, the German Margot Hellmiß .
We like it because it is a short purification experiment, simple to put into practice and lasts only a couple of days, and also because it allows us to get to know first-hand and to experience first-hand what the effects of a diet are. which deacidifies gently .
Let's find out how the book is made and how it was written.
Because acid is dangerous
Acidosis can jeopardize the health of the organism, to such an extent that, in certain cases, it leads to the linking of pathologies and the development of serious disorders that damage organs such as the kidneys, liver, intestines and lungs, the skin, which is no longer able to neutralize or dispose of acids.
Fasting acid-base allows to restore the correct balance between acid and alkaline foods, introducing products of vegetable origin and eliminating "acid" products, such as those of animal origin, but not only: even the much loved vegan and vegetarian legumes they are acids, as well as chocolate, so this short depurative weekend is also dedicated to those who normally have nothing to do with meat or derivatives.
Also the liquids that are taken should also be reconsidered: no to coffee and green light to juices and herbal teas, such as the defensive herbal tea made from fruits and rosehip seeds.
How the book "Acid base end" is structured
The book opens with a premise that explains the damage of a too acidic diet, highlighting instead the merits of an alkalizing diet, which can be evaluated by itself, directly, thanks to a simple litmus paper and scientifically proven.
Subsequently the operation of this basic fast is explained in detail, illustrating in detail which can be a completely basic menu. In short, this must include fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits, but eaten raw only up to a certain time of the day, no pulses, lots of mushrooms, salads, spices, sprouts and fresh herbs . Attention must also be paid to the quality of oil and water and to choosing natural sweeteners.
Later the book is divided into 4 types of basic weekends, depending on whether you proceed in spring, summer, autumn, winter : diets are proposed in detail, complete with recipes, buying guides and production. Furthermore, time for relaxation and physical activity should never be lacking.
The book concludes with suggestions of the "basic after-weekend", for which they propose to assume certain healthy habits as constant . For convenience, a final index of the recipes in alphabetical order is also drawn up: you will find alkalizing drinks, you will discover new products, such as purple vitelotte potatoes or ground almonds, the possibility of preparing delicious smoothies, porridge and tempting soups.