Verbal therapy

Verbal therapy

Today, therapies are thought of as elaborate and lengthy protocols, which see drugs as protagonists. Hippocrates included, among the therapeutic remedies available to the doctor, even the word.

Verbal therapy considers medicine and the figure of the doctor as " vehicles " between the subject and the state of health. The disease is therefore an expression of an emotional experience. Using tools such as analogy, archetypal symbols and graphology, verbal therapy allows the therapist to be able to translate to the patient what his unconscious wishes to communicate.

The description of the disease by the patient is fundamental. Just the " patient ", the language used to describe symptoms, with the personal equipment of adjectives and expressions in freedom, guides the therapist towards solving a problem.

The importance of the word

Verbal therapy is presented as a sort of linguistic homeopathy, not scientifically proven, strongly linked to the personality of a Sardinian doctor, Gabriella Mereu, author of publications, DVDs and seminars on the subject.

Mereu visits are brief. A few minutes of dialogue with the subject are sufficient to identify the "displeasure", the emotional block that generated the disease. It is important to point out that, at the end of the interview, homeopathic remedies are not prescribed, but a " history " is offered. Since the disease is generated by misinformation, it is necessary to return the same information to the subject, but in a correct and therapeutic way.

With the words of Mereu: "I, in a similar way, give back the denied truth that has become a disease, expressed in a funny way, so it doesn't hurt anymore. Funny is equivalent to saying diluted and dynamized. The truth said in this way is an evil that does not hurt anymore and gives energy, as it gives energy the fun as well as the freedom to tell the truth. I give information simultaneously, just like the homeopathic remedy ".

Words therefore to the subject. The doctor is silent for once. Among the terms most commonly used by subjects to describe what they feel are "ball", "cross", "crush", "constriction" and "itch". These are usually related to the sexual sphere, the affective sphere and that of subordinate relationships.

All the books by Gabriella Mereu

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