Practical tips to start running

The sun begins to kiss with a certain passion, of course, the spring breeze should not be underestimated, but there are the prerequisites for furrowing the earth at a fast pace.

Here are some tips to start running safely and productively even in the medium, long term.

The preliminaries of a healthy race

Perhaps in the mirror we see cellulite or a few extra pounds. Perhaps the costume test creates a slight stress. There is no need to get excited. Indeed, all the opposite. Take a deep breath and choose a path to take before walking and then running.

In fact, once an overweight has been established, the worst thing that can be done is to go to load on the joints of the lower limbs and back and run in unfavorable conditions. So, start acting on metabolism through meals and breathing, first thing.

Observe your breathing habits and understand if there is a possibility of lengthening the phase of inspiration and then enjoying the release that occurs during expiration. Then review eating habits, skipped meals and unpacked food combinations.

For example, starchy foods and fruit? Do you have different types of animal protein in the same meal? Do you abuse sweets and exciting drinks? These are questions that you need to start asking yourself, to find the optimal form aimed at running as a healthy habit, which is also good for the heart.

Having said that, what often happens, when you want to start running, is that the intention manifests itself with friends and acquaintances who may already have a tried and tested practice. Here too, caution is needed: away from the fanatics and those who challenge you. Keep a calm attitude, measured on your actual abilities of the present, taking into account past injuries, practical practical possibilities for improvement. Be very close to yourself, then.

Then, on an emotional level, it can happen that there will be "no days" . Days when you tell yourself who made you do it, you will not trust your body.

Well, patience is needed, it's really so important. Consider that your appetite will change, the body will slowly respond; listen to yourselves, you will go away gradually reducing the load and this can only be positive.

Here is the correct posture in the race

Running without ceasing to love yourself

A very important psychological advice: we have been running for millennia . Now, this idea of ​​the race related only to the signed suit or the heart rate monitor or the treadmill is relatively recent. We run from era: to get food, to move, to live, to reach.

Be patient, go slowly, you only need to recover an important function that the locomotor system knows well. Then, only later, you can go running everywhere like Forrest Gump in the video, infusing the article: " And from that day on, if I went somewhere, I would run there ".

Keep a progress log. Write it down on a small blackboard in front of the fridge, write it in a computer file, in a notebook of the heart, whatever you want, but be present to your progress.

Do not enter the vicious circle of "I have to eat energy foods because I need to train." Listen to yourself, listen to yourself, listen to yourself and if you have doubts, consult an expert nutritionist. In general, away from bars full of sugar, high-calorie drinks and the like. Fruit is allied at all times.

Two gigantic allies: heating and stretching . You have to keep them as head sales, consider them as your tutors, bodyguards. Yes, real bodyguards. They get angry if you don't do what they say. Don't you dare to neglect them.

Choose the appropriate clothing . Cover the parts most exposed to sweating (better if you wear technical anti-sweating, but not so indispensable), especially after practice.

You have started, you are taking the pace, the race is starting to talk to you. Well, stop training once and dedicate yourself to something alternative. It's called cross-training : cycling, swimming, targeted workouts, circuits explained by good personal trainers. All this will only improve performance. It is also an excellent idea to combine running with yoga.

Discover the most suitable time slot for your training. To do this, it could be useful to become familiar with the concept of circadian rhythm, which is personal and useful for self-knowledge.

Make everything simple and easy in terms of diet and thoughts about training. And above all, more than anything else: stay hydrated, drink water, feed the cells.

On the net we have found for you a complete training program for beginner runners that lasts 8 weeks (in English), with simple rules and gradual steps. There are many others available on the internet, along with specific apps for better training, but we remind you that you yourself are your best observer and guardian. Have patience and be ready to feel that wind in your face that brings joy, agility, new balances.

Discover trail running, training in nature

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