How to give wellness to the liver and pave the way for purification

The functional efficiency of the liver and its vitality depend on our lifestyle, as in the case of the other organs of the human body. But how do we better describe this powerful filter organ?

The liver is a bulky gland (1500 g) attached to the digestive tract, located in the upper part of the right abdominal cavity, below the diaphragm.

Its consistency is that of a spongy filter soaked in liquids (about 70%) which are blood, bile and lymph. It consists of thousands of lobules that receive oxygenated blood through the hepatic artery and blood from the intestine.

The processed blood then passes through the hepatic vein and the vena cava to the heart.

Liver functions

But what does this illustrious unknown do? Uh, so many things. We list some of its basic functions:

  • Glucose formation and storage, source and energy reserve for all metabolic processes, from feet to brain. The level of glucose in the blood (blood glucose) remains within normal values ​​thanks to complex mechanisms, to which the liver and pancreas contribute;
  • Synthesis and metabolism of fats that constitute the foundation of all living matter;
  • Fat metabolism; The liver produces bile which is then stored in the gall bladder and released into the duodenum when the food arrives in the form of chyme;
  • General detoxification of the organism.

3 remedies to cleanse the liver after the holidays

The enemies of the liver

The liver is fatigued more on the transformation and purification of anorganic and synthetic substances such as food additives, pesticide residues in agricultural products and medicines.

Alcohol, coffee, sugar, or smoke and all the pollutants we breathe are also potentially hepatotoxic and undermine the well-being of the liver.

Moderation is needed (avoid any excess, for example: foods that are too protein-rich, too hot or cold, too fat, too sweet, too spicy).

Eat a lot of fiber and try to respect a certain level of respect in meal times.

The psyche and the liver

An outburst of anger can be a safety valve to safeguard the integrity and well-being of the liver, but excess anger and long-term resentments damage it.

To live with courage and energy it is necessary to perform correct breathing, accurate chewing and a good mental attitude to flexibility.

Advice to help the liver

Wet compresses - warm on the liver for about 15 minutes, during siesta after lunch and after dinner: a soft cotton or silk rag is soaked in hot water (or milfoil yarrow herbal tea), squeezed and placed on the top right part of the 'abdomen.

A wide and long enough wool scarf is used to wrap the waist and a bag of warm water over it to keep the heat.

Drink plenty of water, from 1.5 to 2 liters a day, preferring water, herbal teas and decoctions such as: dandelion root, fennel seeds, anise seeds, licorice, root, gentian root.

Find out how to make purifying liver teas

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