Close a story without losing yourself

Perhaps the respective visions were not understood. Perhaps there was no respect. Perhaps you no longer see opportunities to grow together.

Perhaps in alternate phases availability for each other has failed: there can be many reasons why a story closes and there may be different levels of evolution of consciousness of the two partners.

Let's see how to succeed in such a delicate moment not to lose yourself.

Meet each other, let yourself go

Sometimes the break is necessary to be decided and anger must flow; do not deny it, do not immediately cancel it, it must be there, it must be looked at and not denied. If the feeling is shared, the story ends by mutual agreement, but pain is not spared; if, on the other hand, the two disagree then the side that does not want to give up may have the worst reactions and it is necessary to have patience and good to understand and contextualize, without affecting one's own psychophysical well-being too much .

After months or years together it can become complex to even imagine a different dimension. And yet it takes concentration and the broad breadth necessary to welcome the unknown that is to come.

In this sense, here are 3 actions to try to adopt to honor the moment in which we leave ourselves.

    1. Ask the other person how he is only when he really wants to know;
    2. If the other person had a trial, an important moment, you can ask how it went, but having at heart the delicacy of not invading and the firmness of not being invaded . With the banishment of emotional effluents , green light for respect that perhaps had been missing for some time;
    3. Don't fill your life with other meetings. Especially if history has been important, it is good to leave the right space and time to dilute, assimilate, understand. There are "karmic" stories, which open worlds and allow us to look at who we are with shameless sincerity, which allow us to grasp the margins of improvement. These are gifts. They should not be wasted, indeed, used to redefine objectives.

      Finish and not get lost: the sense of time

      Leaving means to have an opportunity to grow, to be able to listen, to think about alternative routes. Not that it is an incitement to leave, but we must also see the useful side of the matter.

      Leaving oneself in a respectful way means opening a gap to silence, to reflection, to change. It is not certain that the person we have loved and with whom we have shared cannot return in other forms, but in the moment in which we leave ourselves this can be a ponderable horizon only vaguely with thought behind, not something to hold onto. At some point you feel it, when the time is ripe for choice.

      If we listen, time takes on other forms, all familiar to a space that is above all interior. Life has millions of alternatives and answers to any question. It takes gratitude and courage also to live a full time of the rediscovery of one's talent and passion. It takes a certain strength to challenge oneself, or rather, at stake.

      To allow oneself means to dialogue in a different way with time, to recover the possibility of playing and to look closely at mistakes and errors that the other person has brought to light, has brought out.

      Even those who have been left can return to find pleasure in the sacredness of being first of all a single person . As impossible as it may seem, look for laughter, because laughter opens a crack in the universe, brings with it a healthy irreverence, blunts stubbornness, prepares for the present.

      To rediscover your inner world, try these asanas

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