How to cure fever with natural remedies

Before understanding how to reduce fever through natural remedies, it is very important to understand what is the origin of the fever itself.

It is said that there is a fever when the normal temperature values ​​undergo an increase that exceeds 37 ° C, in an adult and of healthy constitution.

When these values ​​begin to rise , the body is signaling something to us, warning us : most likely an inflammation, an infection or a disease is in progress, this is the way to express its defensive reaction.

So the fever should not be lowered a priori, but we must try to get to the origin of the problem before acting in any way.

Fever is measured through the skin or mucous membranes, as is known by using special thermometers. It often manifests itself accompanied by chills and intense sweating.

To talk about the most natural thing we can do to lower fever, such as the one related to the classic cooling symptoms, then help the body in its defense process, we start from the simple advice of the grandmothers, to then consult disciplines such as phytotherapy, naturopathy and more. Here are the tips.

Natural anti-fever remedies

  • Cover well and rest . Being in bed with fever is first and foremost the wisest thing you can do, contrary to what you tend to do today, or take a couple of pills and go to work like nothing. Make sure you are well covered, clearly without exaggerating: heavy pajamas and a good wool blanket. The environment must be warm, but not too hot, and it must be well ventilated, changing the air from time to time, and humidified using essential essential oils.
  • Hydrate. When you have a drinking fever it is very important, as the water that is eliminated through sweat evaporates and cools the body, in turn eliminating toxins and regulating body temperature. So much water, up to two liters a day, but also tea, hot broths, herbal teas. In this regard, against fever we recommend herbal teas made from elder, which makes you sweat, but also chamomile, eucalyptus, willow, linden, ginger, thyme and lavender . Even orange and lemon juice, diluted in a nice large glass of warm water, help the body to hydrate and raise its defenses, thanks to natural vitamin C.
  • Make sponges of cold water on the forehead, wrists, calves and ankles: as Sebastian Kneipp taught, green light for fresh baths and refreshing frictions, rubbing the part of the body surface indicated with a damp cloth.

High fever, here's what to do

Essential oils to treat fever

Essential oils to be used in case of fever in the humidifier or diffuser are:

  • cajeput oil,

  • bergamot essential oil,
  • thyme oil,

  • tea tree or malaleuca essential oil,

  • essential oil of eucalyptus.

    Nutrition as a remedy for treating fever

    Eat healthy: liquids, such as vegetable broths and vegetable consomme, but also lots of fresh and seasonal fruit, vegetables, organic and possibly eaten raw, so as to give the body vitamins and minerals immediately available.

    There are also special foods for fever, which function like natural antibiotics, and are: turmeric, chilli, cloves (which also have a mild anesthetic action), onion and garlic.

    Use these ingredients in case of fever and, for the brave ones, try also the garlic and lemon-based herbal tea : put a whole lemon washed thoroughly in a saucepan and a clove of unpeeled garlic, covered with water and boil for seven minutes.

    If you drink an herbal tea every 4 hours in acute symptoms and an herbal tea every 2/3 days as a prevention.

    Phytotherapy remedies to treat fever

    • Echinacea or blackcurrant : drops of mother tincture, glyceric macerate or extracts. The first is an excellent ally of the immune system, the second instead has a remarkable anti-inflammatory action.
    • The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the yarrow are also known, such thanks to the presence of azulene, salicylic acid, menthol, terpeniol, tannins and cineole. Normally it is found in the form of fresh or dried plant juice, to make herbal teas, infusions and decoctions.

    NB Attention because these remedies are not universally valid : it is always good to hear the opinion of an expert, especially in the case of pregnancy, specific diseases and disorders, newborns, children and elderly people.

    Treating fever with naturopathy

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