The "weight" of emotions in the diet

We all know how difficult it can be to lose weight and keep the results achieved. This is why dozens and hundreds of diets proliferate, while new solutions are announced daily .

For us there is always the hope that one of these diets may be more effective than the previous or more decisive one. We often find ourselves losing a bit of weight, then regaining it, or losing a lot but then quickly regaining it.

What is lacking in many diet programs is that they do not take into account emotional hunger or eating caused by stress. It is also observed in some cases of weight gain related to periods of very high stress, which produces a considerable release of stress hormones which enter the body and induce weight gain, even in the absence of excessive nutrition.

In these, as in many other cases, a psychological program that favors the awareness of those factors in the management of body weight, nutrition and stress, can be indispensable in weight management and provide the necessary tools to stop the nutrition caused by stress and transform it into a renewed and rediscovered balance, peace and creative energy.

Emotional hunger

Excessive eating is caused, in a very high percentage of cases, by emotional hunger, which means that most people use food to manage and cope with their feelings, to self-comfort, relieve stress and anxiety, soothe difficult and difficult emotions.

One of the reasons why emotional hunger is on the rise these days is that people are under increasing daily pressure in working and family life, due to increasingly frenetic rhythms.

To use an analogy we can say that each of us carries many "loads" that add weight to our lives. We carry emotional weights, not just physical ones, making it difficult to be loyal to any type of diet.

At the same time, being overweight, or being unable to lose excess weight, can be a major cause of emotional stress, producing a vicious circle that is difficult to break. Weight loss should not be yet another stressful experience that adds stress to stress, amplifying the problem, and this is the resource that a targeted psycho-body support program can provide.

We need to understand how difficult it can be to lose weight or maintain weight loss, and to do this we need a deep understanding of human psychology and the functioning of the human emotional and metabolic system. We need a resource that provides tools that can be used to define the fundamental factor in weight management, emotions .

Understanding emotions

Through a psycho-physical path (// supporting weight loss and maintenance, one can learn to better manage one's emotional energies and release stress, without depending on food to do this, and without relying on the food to feel better.

In a weight management program one focuses not on what one eats, but rather on what one feels, what the underlying feelings and emotions are. The focus is therefore on the most important psychological aspect in weight management: the regulation of emotions .

Learning to recognize and metabolize your emotions is perhaps the main key to success in weight loss and will be reflected in other areas of your life, including affective, relational, working life, as well as general physical health and quality of life.

It is important not to consider only the "food based diet" if we want to reach and maintain the weight we want, but to begin to recognize and identify the importance of the emotional diet, as part of our general way of receiving nutrition: by ourselves, by others and by the world.

It is our feelings, attitudes, the sense of despair, the image of ourselves, and our body image that determine our ability to adhere to a dietary plan and not be pushed to return to old habits.

To help you learn how you can change your emotional diet, you can use different tools, including within a psychological support pathway that uses effective psycho-bodily techniques useful in reducing and managing stress, in increasing vitality and in improving the ability to self-regulate and support behavioral change.

It is possible to "train" to move from feelings and stressful feelings towards a dynamic and balanced emotional state, generating an alignment of mind and body that gives more power in achieving the desired results.

It is facilitated to learn to overcome self-pity and to generate the strength necessary to abandon old habits and get back on their feet quickly when they recur.

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