Maple syrup: price and where to buy

Maple syrup is a product we are used to seeing in movies and American homes, when children pour gold-colored liquid streams onto the famous breakfast pancakes.

In fact its origins are very ancient, as it was already used by the Indian populations of northern Canada as a natural sweetener in the form of crystals.

The maple, whose red leaf is a symbol of Canada, of black, red or sugary type, is the plant from which this natural sweetener can be obtained, through an accurate and wise processing of the sap.

Where to buy maple syrup

It is easily found on the market : well-stocked supermarkets and organic or natural food stores have more than one type. It is certainly found online and also in health food stores. Depending on the processing and origin, it can be purchased either lighter or even darker in color; there are also various degrees of density, from the Fancy, delicate and more refined, to the rough and dense, like the Grade B.

The costs of maple syrup are quite high, due to the considerable amount of raw material needed to make the syrup: it takes about 40 liters of sap to make a liter of syrup.

The cost of a 250 gram bottle of natural maple syrup, without additives and pure (usually Canadian brand) costs around 8/9 euros .

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The spread of maple syrup

The maple syrup has in effect also entered the homes of Europeans and is also appreciated by the Italians, above all for its sweetening abilities, far superior to those of sugar, but also for its versatility of use, yes it can in fact use both for drinks and to sweeten baked products, cakes and biscuits.

Being so sweet, it really needs a minimal amount, which makes it a captivating product even for those with particular ailments, such as diabetes, for those who follow diets or for sportsmen who need to re-mineralise the body through natural supplements.

Maple syrup is also used for purifying the body, being easily dilutable in water and having a pleasant taste.

Its nutritional properties are important, as already seen it has a sweetening power higher than sucrose and a glycemic index of 65.

Contains a reduced amount of sucrose, many mineral salts, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, B vitamins, vitamin PP folic acid and biotin. Contains about 250 kcal per 100 grams of product .

Maple syrup for weight loss, truth or legend?

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