The diet to gain weight in a balanced way

Why don't you get fat?

One day, in herbal medicine, the saleswoman, a desperate lady "Please give me some effective supplement, I can't get fat". Oh yes, because if for most people when it comes to diet it is to lose weight, there are certain people for whom the worst nightmare is being able to put on a few pounds. Women, but also men and many teenagers in adolescence.

According to recent studies, those who eat everything without ever compromising the line, do not owe it to particular merits. A study published in the journal Nature reveals that the extreme thinness of people is due to the action of some genes . Like other genes they have been identified as responsible for obesity. But the fact of losing weight can also be connected to individual metabolism: in fact, when it is very fast, it is not possible to store fats; not putting on weight can also be connected to hormonal issues, linked to a malfunctioning thyroid, such as hyperthyroidism . Or even to disorders such as celiac disease, food problems or parasitic diseases.

Diet to gain weight

Even those who wish to gain weight must do so in a balanced and well-considered way, avoiding binge eating sugars and fats, instead passing by their nutritionist or dietician for a consultation. Generally, a diet that allows you to put on chili is rich in calories, so you should start introducing 150 more per day, up to 1000, depending on the case. To do this, you can choose to take less protein and more carbohydrates, which should provide about 50% of the total energy. Enriching dishes with olive oil and the first with a good dose of Parmesan can be useful tricks.

Here is an example of a fattening diet

Breakfast : alternate tea or coffee with four slices of wholemeal bread or a sandwich and jam, an orange juice, or five rusks and jam or honey with the milk you prefer. And still a nice slice of the homemade cake or cereal with milk.

Mid-morning : have a snack with yoghurt or fresh fruit or dried fruit.

Lunch : pasta about 100 grams, or rice 150 grams, with parmesan, tomato, extra virgin olive oil; a second protein and a nice portion of seasonal vegetables with a sandwich or breadsticks.

Snack: 100 grams of dark chocolate with a cup of milk, a sandwich with jam or other companion that you prefer, or a bit of seasonal fruit.

Dinner: Alternate a portion of a second protein with seasonal vegetables and a sandwich; or a first course like soup, pasta and beans, rice and lentils accompanied by a light second course, based on vegetables. Eat a portion of fresh potatoes or legumes at least twice a week as a side dish.

Notes well : Sport is also massed: doing sport is beneficial at 360 °. Sport not only tones, but also promotes the formation of muscle mass, which obviously gives tone and volume and shape to the body. In addition to swimming, which shapes and harmonizes, the sport that makes you put on mass is physical weight training at the gym.


  • Essential fatty acids and seeds

  • Diets to put mass

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