Second Hand Reuse: fashion that is good for you

Second hand reuse, what is Share

Quality used clothes and welcoming environments, the Share chain grows more and more and wants to show that often, those who have less, more donate and feel happy in doing so.

Three stores opened in Milan, one in Galbiate, in the province of Lecco, one in Varese and now also in Naples.

Second hand reuse: what can you find in these stores?

High quality used clothes


Here they are found from fashionable garments for young people, to quality clothes with an affordable cost for the not so young.

Everything for children, mom and dad

"baby shoes")%>

Little dresses, little shoes, accessories all still in good condition for mothers and their children .

Share solidarity projects


With their own purchases, crazy expenses are avoided, the money saved being spent on the family budget and at the same time respecting the environment, transmitting to their children a healthy lifestyle.

Yes, because from Share it is not the classic flea market : here are also people who want their money to go to finance solidarity initiatives run by non-profit companies.

Share is a store that has its own particular philosophy: it does not want to make profit for the owners, but wants to make sure that it is possible to "wear and dress solidarity", creating new jobs and allocating the proceeds of what would otherwise be thrown away in virtuous and useful actions to those who need it most.

Fashion thus becomes something different, acquires a sense of sharing, becoming part of close and concrete aid projects, for families or children in difficulty.

The clothes, the cost of which in the Share shop ranges from € 5 for skirts to 12 or 18 for jackets, come from recovery cooperatives in Italy and Europe .

Once selected, they are sanitized and arrive on the store shelves.

Where fashion that is good is born


The concept of reuse and non-waste is fundamental for Share and its founders. As they tell themselves, the dress used is often abandoned again, so the idea of ​​eliminating something that may still have life seemed absurd.

The project developed by Vesti Solidale Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS led to the inauguration of the first Share point in via Padova, in Milan, in March 2014. From this point others were born, at the moment five, starting from Lombardy and going down to in Naples.

The reasons that led to the conception of this project are connected to the desire to experiment something new, in the wake of a changing world and an economy : that is, to implement new business activities by social cooperatives on the one hand, and the desire to give away solidarity, useful and intelligent start-ups on the other.

Both these actions give the possibility to create new jobs and to close the ring of the used clothing chain in a virtuous way .

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