10 reasons to start doing yoga

The planetary spread of yoga and the increasingly convincing studies about its benefits are pushing millions to embrace the path of practice.

It is equally true, however, as I have seen from my personal experience and that of many colleagues, that initial enthusiasm is not enough : if it is not supported by a strong and clear personal motivation, it soon disperses into the complications of everyday life. Persistence is lost and more and more lessons are skipped, making everything useless.

Without making yoga an obsession or a silly and superficial mania, it would be important to make it an integral part of life, a psychophysical cuddle, a moment that we dedicate to ourselves.

So when you feel that motivation gives way to fatigue, laziness, boredom, here is a small list of reasons (among many others possible) for which we advise you to prefer the mat to the… sofa !

1. Finding calm again

In a frantic society like the present one, practically everyone needs a discipline that brings balance and calm. Before ending up devoured by anxiety and stress (a cause of many physical and mental disorders), try practicing yoga: it will be your oasis of peace where you can take refuge after a tiring day to find serenity and well-being!

2. Psycho-physical well-being

Yoga is a physical and mental discipline, so it will benefit you on both counts. From the first point of view, it can help a lot to prevent back, heart and pressure disorders.

From the second point of view, it acts on the ability to concentrate, helps during the treatment of depressive states, improves the person's resilience. A complete and integrated approach to existence, really indispensable especially if you have limited time to dedicate to yourself.

3. Suitable for all ages

Yoga is not only aimed at young people or fit people: on the contrary, it is an excellent activity to slow down the inexorable progress of time and stay healthy, even in old age. A sweet and accompanied practice has no contraindications and brings many benefits!

4. Recommended during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a yoga course is a truly special experience that we recommend living with warmth. It helps to connect with life within oneself and to face gestation and birth with greater awareness and lucidity.

5. An opportunity for inner cleansing

It is a common experience to approach yoga in delicate moments of life, when we believe we want to give depth and meaning to everyday life.

The practice represents an opportunity (at least weekly) to immerse yourself and learn to "clean" your mental space constantly polluted by negative thoughts, anxious or at least insistent.

6. A moment of relaxation

A truly unique moment of yoga class is the final one, complete relaxation, which offers the rare opportunity to relax every single part of the body, allowing us to abandon ourselves often deeper than what we experience during sleep. The practice thus also becomes a regenerating moment of psychophysical refreshment!

7. As an accompaniment to athletic training

Yoga is an extremely adaptable activity that lends itself well to marrying with amateur or competitive physical preparation.

Nowadays many realities, even at national level, make use of the psycho-physical support it offers in order to improve performance .

8. Lots of styles for all needs

There are really many types of yoga, from the most lively, to the most meditative. In this way, everyone can find the one that best meets their needs and personal characteristics, always feeling stimulated and at ease. Try!

9. Benefits for the couple

Couple life and sexuality can greatly benefit from the practice, as it increases complicity in the relationship.

10. Best approach to life

Yoga is a discipline that is often not limited to the mat: it improves our approach to existence, optimizes the ability to face problems and opens us to a more ecological, healthy and loving lifestyle.

Here is a brief guide for those who want to approach the practice of yoga!

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