How to choose a reiki operator in complete tranquility

Qualification certificates

A real operator and a real Reiki Master have the qualification certificates that certify where and when they have levels, and they will not refuse to show them to you at your explicit request. From these certificates you can get a certain amount of information. First of all I want to clarify that Reiki flows, and flows well, during a third level treatment as during a first and second level treatment. What differentiates treatments on the basis of levels is depth and incisiveness, as a top-level operator can treat you primarily for minor physical ailments and give you emotional comfort, but does not know and does not yet use the symbols; a second-level operator instead knows and uses three symbols, can facilitate the healing of physical symptoms, emotional disorders and psychological problems through the first and second symbols, treating even at a distance, overcoming the barriers of space and time with the use of third symbol, and to treat not only individuals but also situations; a Reiki Master in addition can practice a much deeper treatment and move energetic blocks more incisively, and also possesses the knowledge that allows him to use the fourth symbol and to teach Reiki. It is also clear that, if the levels have been correctly taken in terms of time (to be clear, taking the second level a week from the first is not serious and whoever proposes it or who has taken it this way is not properly prepared on the subject), in the sense that between the various levels an adequate period of practice has elapsed both on the same (first of all) and on other people, obviously the Master Reiki level will also have a greater experience that only the practice continues in the time can give.


A Reiki operator or a serious and professional Reiki Master will NEVER ask you to strip yourself to undergo treatment. Pay close attention to this point. Reiki does not need direct contact with the recipient's body to flow. Once the Reiki channel has been opened, through the procedure called centering the heart, Reiki begins to flow from the hands of the operator to the extent and intensity that the receiver needs, without the operator necessarily placing his hands on the body of the receiving. There is therefore no valid reason for asking you to strip yourself . And this among other things is also a great advantage of Reiki, because 1) allows the operator not to place his hands directly on those points that could be annoying to the recipient, such as eyes, nose, throat, chest and genital area; 2) those who are embarrassed without clothes and perhaps for this reason would never do a classic relaxing massage, can instead go quietly to a Reiki treatment. Moreover, during a Reiki treatment the body temperature can be lowered even a lot, so it is advisable to cover the recipient with a light cloth.

I therefore repeat: those who ask you to strip yourself to carry out a Reiki treatment not only do not know the method well, but also perhaps want something else from you for which it is good to suspect. Consider then that the Reiki treatment can also be done at a distance: do you think it is plausible that a treatment that works at a distance can suffer the interference of clothes?

A serious and professional Reiki operator will then ask you to present yourself with clothes that make you feel at ease, and will ask you, at the most, to remove metal objects, glasses, shoes and trouser belts, which you can store next to you during the treatment . I add a personal note on the question of metallic objects: Reiki flows like a flow, imagine you are a low and overburdened battery, and Reiki is the electric current that will come to rebalance you, charging you or pushing off too much charge: as you know, metals can divert electromagnetic fluxes. This is a sort of Reiki rule and I also suggest that the recipients remove metal objects from the body. I can tell you, however, that, in the depths of myself, even if I adhere to this 'norm', I am convinced that Reiki, being an energy of pure and absolute love, cannot be hindered by anything in its path, once the channel flow has been opened.


Reiki is not a religion, Reiki is totally non-denominational, whoever practices Reiki honestly and correctly will not ask you to adhere to any creed, to any association or sect, and will not ask you to sign any document in this sense or to make money in bequests or other type in addition to the payment of the treatment itself or of the Reiki course you want to attend (if you are leaving your personal data for some reason in writing if Reiki is practiced in a club or association - what not necessary and not mandatory - you may be asked to sign up for the privacy law at the most, but this is another matter) and will not try to induce you to believe that to get a Reiki treatment or to take Reiki levels you must be devoted to Master Reiki itself, by Mikao Usui or other unspecified individuals.


There is no kind of dogma in Reiki. Honest Reiki Operators and Masters will not induce you to drink or eat anything as a reiki bond, they will ask you to pronounce sentences or to formulate thoughts of any kind. To be clear, the only precepts of Reiki are the following five, and they are only the mirror of an attitude to life that one is not bound to adopt in order to be treated or participate in courses of various levels:

Just for today

Don't be angry

Do not worry

It shows appreciation

Hard work (on yourself)

Be kind to your fellows.

I would add that a nice glass of water as well as going to the bathroom to pee after a Reiki treatment are correct behaviors, since Reiki has a strong detoxifying action, but that you can easily do at home, on your return, and only if you you feel the need.

Duration of therapy, self-healing

A prepared and serious Reiki operator will explain to you that for some acute symptoms even a single treatment may suffice, but that for chronic or existing situations for some time it may be better to practice a cycle of four treatments, or even more single treatments based on individual answer. It will also inform you of the fact that Reiki is able to promote self-healing and the autonomy of the person, and will not therefore try to make you dependent on the treatment by causing you to return to him even when it is not necessary. Moreover, it will leave you free in choosing the number of treatments to be done even after advising you, and will not try to influence your decision. Even more, if he realizes that you have developed a kind of dependency towards him (Reiki by itself does not create any dependency, but sometimes, in the cases of individuals who are experiencing a particularly fragile situation, the recipient, as during psychological therapy, could develop a bond of this type towards the operator, especially when Reiki was of great comfort and the recipient has taken the treatment as the only lifeline) will help encouraging you to be autonomous (even indicating it specifically in the formulation of the intention that precedes the treatment itself). The serious operator and Master therefore undertake precisely not to abuse the good faith, the fragility and the naivety of the recipient, who must never in any case be exploited neither on a psychological level nor on a financial or emotional level.

Healing as a restoration of psycho-spiritual balance

The Master and the serious Reiki operator will inform you of the fact that the possible recovery resulting from one or more Reiki treatments will pass through the restoration of your psycho-spiritual balance, to which you yourself will take part in person, and will not promise you miraculous healings of any kind. Furthermore, he will not give you a medical diagnosis (unless it is an operator or Master who is also an allopathic doctor regularly registered with the doctors' order), and, if you are taking any medications, he will not advise you to suspend the treatment that you are following (Reiki does not replace traditional medicine, but supports it admirably).

Cost of treatments

To this topic I have dedicated an entire article that you will find in my name on this site. In short: Reiki is not something the operator possesses, Reiki is universal love and therefore belongs to everyone; the operator who practices the treatment will charge you not to give you Reiki but because he puts at your disposal his time, his studies and his skills in this regard, as well as his experience, as for any other discipline. Having clarified this, the cost of Reiki treatments is not established by any body and there is no official register of operators and Reiki Masters. Therefore it is up to each operator to ask for a fee that honestly reflects his experience, his preparation and the time he dedicates to it. It is evident that the operators who dedicate themselves full time to Reiki and have no other sources of income - that is, who have made Reiki their job - will ask you for a higher price than those who have other paid activities and practice Reiki only in time free. It is also obvious that those who practice full-time Reiki will have more experience in the field and will also calculate the cost of the treatment based on this. In general, for a Reiki treatment they can ask you for between 25 and 50 euros; there is some question to ask if the request exceeds 55 euros per treatment.

Having said that, you should also know that in the ethics of Reiki it would be possible to reciprocate a treatment not with money but with an exchange of another type, for example with a service or with a good, as long as this is established in advance and clearly between operator and recipient . Exchanging a service is a common procedure in the so-called Time Banks and also valid in the context of Reiki: for example, an hour of Reiki for an hour of English lessons, or babysitters, etc. based on the possibilities of each and also according to what can be useful to the operator who receives the service from you instead of monetary compensation. Some operators can accept in exchange for Reiki also a material good of equal value to that of the treatment, provided that everything happens after a clear agreement (this is the case of those who do not practice Reiki as a work activity but as a hobby, and for example could accept from you in exchange for a treatment a plant, a book, etc.

Having said that, after finding a person who has all the requirements mentioned above, I encourage you to follow your personal instincts. Listen to the voice of the operator and Master, and meet him before the actual treatment to talk to him, so as to understand in direct presence if the operator inspires you, if you feel a feeling. This is because we all have natural inclinations towards someone rather than someone else, and if we have found an operator who possesses all the requisites, but our instinct raises doubts, it is better to wait and find an operator or a Master who, in addition to the mandatory requirements mentioned above, it also inspires a sense of trust and familiarity.

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