The properties of mint essential oil

Mint essential oil is obtained from the leaves and tops of Mentha piperita, harvested in the period before flowering, with the steam current distillation method. From this extraction procedure a color liquid is obtained that goes from yellow to light green, which gives off an intense unmistakable and penetrating fragrance . Its aroma is especially appreciated in summer when it becomes the main component of syrups and refreshing teas ; mint leaves are also used to flavor vegetables or chocolate desserts.

The plants belonging to the genus Mentha have an extraordinary power of crossing and hybridization and therefore reproduce themselves in different forms and sub-varieties. The Mentha piperita is a hybrid between the Mentha aquatica and the Mentha spicata (also called Mentha viridis), observed for the first time in England by a botanist in 1696 .

And it is mint with its prosperity near the banks of rivers or lakes, on fresh, moist but well-drained soils, that is the protagonist of a mythological tale that explains its origin . The name of the plant, according to this myth, derives from that of the nymph Mintha, daughter of Cocito, one of the five rivers of the Underworld, loved by Hades and transformed by Persephone, jealous of her rival, into this herb, and condemned to grow in the vicinity of waters . However, in order not to disdain the god of the underworld altogether, the goddess allowed the seedling to still possess something pleasant in some part of her body: the fresh aroma of her perfume.

The properties of the essential oil of mint for the body

This strong, bitter-sweet and pungent essence is made up of menthol (63%), menton (24%) and other active ingredients, with digestive, antibacterial, anti- emetic, antiparasitic and deodorant properties, already known by the ancients.

Pliny enumerated all his virtues, exalting the fragrance, " able to excite the soul and stimulate the appetite ". Mint preparations, according to the Roman historian, were used to cure tuberculosis blood spits, hiccups, vomiting, and helped eliminate parasites . In the Middle Ages, the Salerno School also recognized the vermifuge properties ; as well as Mattioli, who affirmed "it has in itself the mint a certain bit of bitterness with which it kills the worms ".

Today's scientific studies confirm the antiseptic and antipyretic action of mint essential oil, useful in case of colds and flu, fever, colds, stomatitis and canker sores; while its bactericidal properties have proved particularly effective in neutralizing various bacterial strains, responsible for typhoid (Herbert) and tuberculosis (Koch bacillus); against staphylococcus and proteus vulgaris, cause of enterocolitis and urinary tract infections . Even in the presence of intestinal parasites, the essential oil of mint has confirmed the use made of our ancestors.

However, what makes it very famous and sought after is its digestive action . In fact, if ingested, a drop in half a teaspoon of honey is one of the best digestive remedies, recommended in case of bloating, flatulence, indigestion, colitis, diarrhea, spasms, dyspepsias and almost all the disorders related to the digestive system.

Did you know that mint essential oil is useful for fighting headaches? Find out how to use it!

The properties of mint essential oil on the skin

The essence of mint is a disinfectant of the oral cavity, very useful to refresh and deodorize the breath, against halitosis. Thanks to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, if used locally it is useful in the treatment of boils, ringworm, scabies, ulcers, herpes zoster and dermatosis . Furthermore, due to the soothing action of itching, it is effectively used as a remedy against insect bites.

If massaged locally diluted in a vegetable oil, it is useful for all types of headaches, from the digestive to those due to the change in pressure. Also excellent for relieving cervical tension, menstrual and muscular pains, in the case of sprains, and rheumatism as it exerts an analgesic and antirheumatic action .

The properties of mint essential oil on the psyche

In the XVIII century Nicolò Lemery, in his Treatise on Simple Drugs, expounded his interpretation of the alleged stimulating and tonic virtues of the plant: " Mentha is dedicated to the mind because this plant fortifying the brain, awakens thoughts or memory ."

If inhaled, this essence in fact has a regenerating effect on the psyche, for this reason it is effectively used to favor concentration during the study, or to improve the states of psycho-physical fatigue, and neurovegetative problems due to stress, such as anxiety, insomnia, depression. Furthermore the sedative and anti-emetic properties make it an excellent remedy for car sickness, seasickness and air sickness; and help to reduce the discomfort of nausea and vomiting, for this reason it is advisable to have mint essential oil always at hand when traveling

More generally we can therefore say that together with the essential oil of lavender, that of mint is among the most important in Aromatherapy and it too should never be missing in the remedy cabinet.

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