Dentosophy: the thin line that joins teeth and back

Dentosophy: teeth and back united as never before

Dentosophy is the revolutionary therapeutic method that, by straightening the teeth, also treats back pain . Some would then say that putting back the teeth and back is also acting on the anxiety and "straightens existence" in some way. No drills, no traumatic sessions, no painkillers to pack on; dentos uses only one silicone device (originally it was made of rubber), called functional activator .

At the basis of dentosophy is the idea that at birth the mouth is in balance . Then it happens instead that the vital functions of sucking, swallowing, breathing, phonation and mastication can develop in a non-harmonic way and go to break the internal balance in the mouth. Some actions that could alter this state of grace? Breathe with your mouth, chew on one side only . These alterations have repercussions on a physical plane and on a psychic level, since mouth and teeth represent in archetypes deontosophy and psychological states.

This means that dentos also treat asthma, allergies, back pain, headaches, insomnia and snoring, fibromyalgia by treating your teeth.

Caries in deontosophy

Caries is a more or less extensive cavity of the crown caused by bacteria. In the beginning it is not accompanied by pain, the symptoms only appear at a later stage, when the caries reaches the dentin (an area that is under the enamel). The pain intensifies when the infection reaches the pulp. In classical dentistry mechanical tools are used to remove the carious tissue and then proceed with filling the residual cavity.

In dentosophy the procedure is similar but the methods are less invasive than in classical dentistry: the laser takes the place of the drill and all the materials used are possibly biocompatible, this is always because in dentosophy there is an essential link between teeth, human body, planet.

Caries among the causes of toothache: discover all the remedies

The wisdom teeth in deontosophy

At the bottom, but really at the bottom, at the upper and lower dental arches we have four molar teeth called wisdom teeth or octaves. If these are badly positioned, the gum can become inflamed due to compression or infection. The symptoms are similar to those caused by the abscess. Often pains are difficult to interpret at first, but when the infection expands, the pains radiate even away from the site of the tooth and cause severe discomfort that prevents the continuation of normal daily actions and does not allow to concentrate properly.

In classical dentistry painkillers, antibiotic therapy are used and the affected tooth or teeth are extracted. In dentos, we try to avoid extraction by inserting the functional activator in order to create the space necessary to accommodate them. By treating the mouth the activator also acts on the curvatures of the spine.

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Kusamono, from Japan the bonsai of weeds

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