The levels of Reiki

Reiki and its levels

Reiki is an oriental technique that uses a particular type of energy in order to restore health and induce relaxation and well-being. The one who intends to enter this practice and receive healing powers, must overcome a path articulated on several levels. The aspirant Reiki master is usually offered a basic program that covers the history of Reiki, the theory of energy according to quantum physics, a holistic proposal of vision of the disease.

The main levels of Reiki are essentially three . For each level there are energy activations and harmonizations that can channel the Reiki energy flow to oneself or to other people or things.

First level Reiki

The first level Reiki is aimed at the absorption of pain and healing. To receive the Reiki energy, the adept must wait for the Reiki Master to give it to him. The ceremony is short, but two days must pass before being able to intervene. The first level of Reiki allows the practitioner to be able to perform basic treatments originating from a series of hand positions on the patient's body. Added to this is self-treatment, which always takes place with the hands in contact with the body and finally the fast treatment, also called first aid.

Second level Reiki

After three weeks, you can move on to the second level of Reiki. This includes a deeper energy level that you need to administer. In doing this, the symbols of Reiki, energy catalysts, intervene. The adept will have to learn to recognize them, name them and use them correctly. The second level of Reiki allows the treatment of mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, and other aspects of life, bringing back wellbeing and serenity.

In the second level Reiki, distance treatment also exists.

Third level Reiki

The third level Reiki is a didactic level, which is used by the practitioner to become a Reiki Master. Following a matured experience, a job of personal purification, the aspirant healer learns further techniques of rooting, cleaning, rubbing, pulsation and percussion. It is characterized by the conferment of the "symbol of the Master" and for the secret process of activation. Humanity is the recipient of the third level Reiki healing.

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