Snoring in pregnancy, some advice to prevent it

Why do you snore during pregnancy?

Snoring affects regardless of age and sex, but is more common in men and older people; it is also quite common to snore during pregnancy; it is estimated, in fact, that around 25-30% of expectant women present this symptom.

Snoring during pregnancy is mainly caused by an increase in body weight and abdominal pressure ; it tends to be more common in the third trimester of pregnancy and to resolve spontaneously after delivery.

Sometimes it can be the symptom of obstructive sleep apnea and it is especially in this case that it requires a consultation with the doctor and careful monitoring. Some studies link snoring in pregnancy with the increased risk of hypertension, preeclampsia and too small a baby's birth size.

Although these are hypotheses that have not yet been confirmed, it is advisable to follow some simple steps that can help prevent or reduce snoring .

Snoring in pregnancy: tips to avoid it

Sometimes it can be complicated to get rid of snoring during pregnancy. However, there are some tricks to avoid or reduce the disturbance.

  • Try not to put too much weight. Weight gain in pregnancy should not exceed 9/12 pounds. An excessive increase can favor the appearance of many disorders and, among these, also snoring, with or without obstructive apnea. To contain the increase in size during pregnancy, it is necessary above all to follow a correct diet and, when the progress of gestation allows it, to do some healthy movement, adapted to one's status as a pregnant woman.
  • Consume light dinners, thus avoiding meals that are too abundant or based on poorly digestible foods.
  • Sleep on a bed and with a suitable pillow. The mattress should not be neither too hard nor particularly soft; the pillow, on the other hand, should be rather high to allow the head to be raised above the body, so as to reduce airway obstruction during sleep.
  • Sleep on your side and with your legs curled up . In addition to attenuating snoring, it is one of the sleeping positions that helps to rest well, avoiding to burden the mother's weight on the fetus and favoring maternal-fetal placental exchanges. It is the position that is recommended most often for proper rest during pregnancy, regardless of snoring.
  • Sometimes, snoring during pregnancy is increased by airway congestion; in this case it may be useful to keep the nasal cavities clean by using nasal washes.
  • Another factor that predisposes to snoring is alcohol consumption, but in pregnancy alcohol consumption should be zero, regardless of snoring and other ailments it may cause during sleep.

The 6 main sleep positions

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