Marie Kondo and the magical power of reorganization

We talk about detox in the food sector, but have you ever heard of the detox of spaces ? The mentality of eliminating e is something that has much to do with the art of ordering inside and out.

It is also called decluttering, the art of removing everything that does not add brightness, takes away space, enthusiasm and possibilities. Yes, because tidying up is a manual process that greatly helps the inner state. You just have to rejoice when you feel the urge to clean, remove. Ordering also means going through the feelings that are linked to those objects.

Do you want to start? A manual that we recommend above all is the agile and rich book by Marie Kondo, The magical power of reorganization.

Equip yourself with shoe boxes and do everything with a single mental idea: make space, remove. Whatever category of objects you are dealing with, be it books or spices, the essential thing is to place them all in a visible space to actually see how many you have, what they are for, what state they are in, what they represent for you.

Make order, a dialogue with oneself

It is first of all necessary to select what gives us emotion, by examining one category at a time (if one day we are dealing with socks, it is better not to go then to the collection of postcards). Then, keep the reorganization for yourself, take care of it, don't share too much with your family, with "see I threw this" or "what do you think if I throw this?" otherwise the process slows down and loses transparency. Often it happens - as Kondo explains that, if you are angry with your family, it could be because of the disorder.

You should not even give away what you don't want anymore to other family members. This is because tidying up is a dialogue with yourself, not throwing something on others. Ordering by category means taking clothing into consideration (the Kondo recommends that all clothing be placed on the ground).

As for the clothes, if you feel you can get rid of it, do it, don't think it's a sin; downgrading and choosing, changing is enhancing life on the move. The Kondo then explains that the best way to fold a dress well is to identify a "magic point".

Tidy up clothes and books

Let's start with the drawer. Clothing? Sweaters, ordered vertically, not horizontally (in short, like sausages); hanging clothes, scarves, bags. Then socks and underwear and long-sleeved and non-sleeved shirts. Swimwear, hiking and other sports-related clothing, aside. The same for pajamas and dressing gowns. It is forbidden to tie socks or stockings.

This method will lead you to come to terms with how in the long run, acting with awareness in the regroup, even the idea of ​​you will change, will vary over time. Putting order is a good starting point for turning the page .

Are you unbridled intellectuals, do you consider yourself messy, is it just that the quantity of books increases in an unspeakable way? Well, you need to take all the books off the shelves and then ask yourself the key questions: does this book give me joy? What are those who are unjustly "sleeping" hidden? It is a job to do really book by book, one by one.

The pieces of paper on the desk, piled up: even for these there is to ask oneself what harm go on, and get rid of those for which the answer is no.

This was done by the Kondo in the service rendered to Wendy Goodman.

Here the video of who has tried the Kondo method for davero and has decided to create a blog on the reorganization of space.

Home medicine: what is it and what is it for?

Then see Marie Kondo at work with the reorganization of the linen :

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