Hygienist raw food: the food that looks like it cures us

When you approach the raw vegan hygienist it is easy to come up with comments like: "He eats there as if he were always ill." This is because the lifestyle in itself excludes processed food, white flours, refined sugars and animal proteins. I would stop instead to reflect on the fact that you are sick because the way we eat is not always that of beings who never cease to love themselves . We love each other in alternate and broken phases.

We talked about health and diet (in the sense of what we choose to take each dies ), the continuous well-being that releases the intake of fruit and vegetables together with Elena Dal Forno, Certified Raw Chef in Advanced Contemporary Raw Cuisine .

The hygienist raw food in the land of spaghetti with meat sauce or a nice cut of Florentine. Is it a challenge for you? A need that crosses the national border and leads us to think in terms of global consumption and collective health?

For me it is not a challenge but a turning point in life, a radical change that I have undertaken in my personal style of being part of this world or of this universe, if you want. Little change that I did in the country of pasta and ham, I think it would have happened elsewhere, in cheese France or in hamburger and potato chips.

The challenge one undertakes is with himself and with the idea he has of his body, his mind and his place in the world. Do I want to continue to hurt myself through the food I swallow? Do I want to continue to fatten up the pharmaceutical industry? Do I want to continue to be complicit in the massacre and animal abuse?

This is an incredible moment for the food industry where toxicity enters us in any form, we are literally poisoned by sophisticated foods, genetically modified, industrially processed up to our tables in palatable forms but devastating in terms of health. The pharmaceutical and cancer "industry" has never been so prosperous, let us ask ourselves why.

I could go on for hours in this chapter but I stop myself by saying that the crudist, vegan and hygienist turning point is not Italian but human, and I hope it touches as many souls as possible.

The logical connection of fruit-colitis is, alas, ruling. Food combinations are not taken into account. We do not come to think that, perhaps, they are white flours, combined with fruit consumption, which complicate the situation. Tell us what you think.

You said it, the fruit consumption we make is 9 times out of 10 wrong. Hence a series of "problems" identified with fruit that are misleading. In general the colitis derives from previous intoxications, so the body should be "cleaned" with at least 28 days of fasting with juices and centrifuged and see if that problem persists.

Fruit is one of the best foods mother nature has made available to us. Among the most digestible of all. It should never be eaten at the end of a meal, with the terrible fruit salads where sweet and sour fruit is mixed together, it should never be eaten in combination with nuts or seeds or various pasta and even less with animal proteins. The fermentation of fruit in the already "intoxicated" organism may actually cause other problems. It should be eaten alone and possibly in single-handed, then only melons, only bananas etc ... especially melons and watermelons, alone and never close to meat, no matter if red or white. About the consumption of meat, I only say that the meat takes 40 hours to be processed by the body, let's imagine a combination of meat and fruit! Deleterious.

Pineapple, apple and papaya, on the other hand, are among the few fruits that bear anti-fermentation enzymes in dowry and can therefore be combined with other foods.

However, the colitis is defeated with hygienic and vital diets, made of centrifuged fruit and vegetables, especially for those who tend to have problems with the fibers, the centrifuges are the panacea, but this doctors will never recommend it. One heals from colitis as one heals from diabetes, tumors, and many other "diseases" following a natural and healthy diet. That does not mean eating "a little bit of everything" as doctors advise but means eliminating any animal protein and any altered, treated or genetically modified food.

You're a journalist. However, between food and words, care passes through different ways?

I like this question !! "Let's cure" especially with the word! It all goes through the "mouth" in a broad sense as you see it, savoring the food, the care we decide whether or not to introduce for that channel and the strength and energy with which we transmit this vision to others. Everything inevitably passes through a "saying" and a "communicating" that the power of the word can transform into excellent results. Communication these days is everything, it can change any perspective. An advertisement, a slogan, an election campaign, everything can change thanks to the right communication.

Let's talk about the changes you see about yourself since you are on a raw, vegan and hygienist diet. Beyond the aesthetic aspect, the global health of viscera and sense organs, being us holistically structured beings, do they also invest some aspects of the character and the way of presenting themselves to the world?

I can actually talk about a before and after. In addition to natural weight loss, my body has come to weigh what it always wanted but had never succeeded, I lost 15 kilos in 9 months but in a healthy way and without any effort, the most important result for me was the energy one -spiritual-mental . I have taken up an energy that I believe I had not even had at twenty, a vital energy and a desire to do that invests me every day . The skin and eyes are purified, the joints of the bones seem to be reborn from who knows where, I have not caught a cold even by mistake, the headaches completely disappeared.

I must say that I fully reflect the theory of Arnold Ehret who says that Vitality is given by Power (ie the calories introduced with food) minus the Obstruction or "fatigue" that makes the body digest and take from the junk food that that interests him, that is V = P - O. I suffered from some depressive crisis that completely disappeared, I finally feel a human being in harmony on his planet, ethical and compassionate, part of an energetic whole that crosses me and makes me stand well. Eating a mango, so beautiful, with the sun inside as I say, makes me feel like nature is giving it to me every day. It's a wonderful feeling.

I could no longer live now without thinking of connecting in this way with what I eat . And this also passes through other aspects of life, in the sense that I now also buy vegan clothing and try to live as much as possible ethically.

Does the raw food hygienist diet include a period of detoxification? How long and how does it structure the needs of the individual?

I would like to reiterate that it is not a diet but a lifestyle, a turning point, an illumination. It lasts forever, because when you change your lifestyle, as long as you like it, you keep it. There is no return as I say, I could never go back to eating meat or fish now, as well as eggs and cheese. The detoxification periods are dependent from person to person, depending on how the body responds and what is the toxic level of that particular organism. If there are previous allergies or intolerances.

In general, but it is only an indication, the primary "cleaning" cycle lasts 28 days because every 4 weeks our organism renews itself, it is as if it changed skin, so there is a regeneration of tissues and cells that necessarily needs of that time. But I repeat that for everyone it is different.

The main dish, the absolute masterpiece that your hands have created at the Academy of Matthew Kenney.

I was very proud to have recreated a dish that my mother used to make me as a child, or agnolotti with artichokes but in a raw and healthy version . They gave me all the compliments. And then the raw Sicilian cannoli cannoli. I would have eaten a pound !!!

At the Matthew Kenney Academy you have thoroughly studied gourmet raw food. How much space do you have in your area of ​​even strictly nutritional, purely healing knowledge?

It was fundamental for me to know gourmet raw food as the summit of the pyramid of the global raw food movement, and Matthew Kenney certainly brought raw food to excellent levels. When you go to a gourmet restaurant for dinner, in general, I say, you want to try something that you would never do at home, so you should understand complex dishes, visually and in terms of taste, very satisfying. But they are exceptions, of course, although absolutely healthy, ethical and in line with my principles.

However, I am now looking to develop my own gourmet line and trend that also respects the correct nutritional principles and food combinations, these are fundamental for me and are still possible.

In the Taoist diet there are some raw foods, such as radish or ginger, which heat up anyway. The idea of ​​the steaming hot dish could even just be a habit that has become common belief. In the hygienist raw food, what are the foods that in contact with the palate and internal organs release a feeling of warmth?

Exactly what you said, but also garlic, basil, chilli, curry .. but I smile a little because if we think well of food everything we introduce produces calories, therefore energy / heat.

There is no contraindication, however, to get a nice hot dish every now and then, I'm not a "Nazi" nutritionist, the question is more general, and when you want something you should follow and listen to your body and "surrender" if possible always within the vegan limits. A beautiful lentil soup on December 10th seems a very healthy thing to me.

The meal is also a moment of communion, a common union. When a similar diet is adopted, people start asking questions. Cadaverine lunches and dinners become difficult to manage. Often we do not want to condition, but in fact we do it. How to behave in this situation, without losing outings with close friends?

I thank you for this question. I learned that wanting is power and that if you are convinced of what you do there are no barriers or limits. If others eat pasta you can make yourself your salad, or your smoothie, or your platter of fruit. Sharing meal time does not have to be a problem, if others look at you wrong at the beginning you resist, after a while they won't do it again and they will get used to it. If you explain why and how you eat they will be intrigued, and sooner or later they will also want to taste.

This also applies to dinners or aperitifs, there is always at least one salad to eat around and in the most desperate cases I always carry around some bananas, almonds or goji berries. I think it's more important to have a good time with close friends than what you put on your plate. Participating in a discussion or an evening is independent of the salad or fruit I'm eating.

On Sunday 14 October at 10.30 am, together with Aida Foustok, you will conduct a raw food cooking workshop. Do you plan to organize them in Italy when you return?

Absolutely yes. I am trying to involve structures and restaurants and clubs that can and want to be interested in this type of cuisine, for workshops or event nights. I am also working with a friend on a recipe site for children who want to experiment with vegetables in order to bring them and their parents closer to veganism.

We say that the primary objective is to involve, teach while playing, try to change habits but without imposing. Everyone must come to certain beliefs by himself.

What does it mean to be vegan?

To know more:

> The raw food diet: how it works, benefits and contraindications

> The vegan diet

> Food properties

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