Lüscher's Color Test in Bach Flower Selection

Understanding the emotions underlying subjective symptoms and discomfort is an essential step in choosing the most suitable Bach Flowers.

However, it is difficult to understand real emotions through words, which too often do not correspond to truth and many times even express the opposite of the real situation.

Often true emotions are deliberately and consciously disguised to maintain a better self-image, but even more often true emotions are hidden, unintentionally, even from themselves: they remain unconscious and repressed.

And the more the problems are strong, the more we are unaware of our emotions, or rather, of the emotions that are the real reason for our illness .

Colors to understand emotions

Colors are a direct way to understand true emotions because the language of colors is the language of emotions themselves.

Colors go beyond the filter of consciousness: you can't lie in front of colors.

Thus colors allow us to reach the emotions of which the person is not aware, those denied and repressed emotions that most of all cause problems of an emotional or psychosomatic type.

The Lüscher Test: the cause shown by the colors

As the experiments of Prof. Max Lüscher have shown, colors can be used, following a precise methodology, as an objective measurement tool that directly shows true emotions beyond the words expressed and immediately highlights the real cause of the discomfort.

To immediately grasp the root cause of the emotional or psychosomatic problem allows us to give an "extra gear" to any type of therapy .

The Color Test in Bach Flower Therapy

However, a particular synergy is found between Lüscher's Test and Bach's Flower .

In fact the main emotional Structures identified by Prof. Lüscher and measurable in the form of color codes through his test are just 38 as are the remedies of Dr. Bach.

The 38 Bach Flowers treat precisely the same emotional states represented by Lüscher's 38 color codes : the correspondence is precise and one-to-one .

With the application of the Lüscher Test in Bach Flower Therapy it is therefore possible not only to intervene beyond the manifest symptoms and center the core of the problem but it is possible to objectively select the most suitable Bach Flowers through the two-way correspondences between the 38 chromatic codes and the 38 Bach Flowers.

Through the precise correspondences between the 38 chromatic codes and the 38 Bach Flowers it is possible a direct passage from the emotions symbolized by the colors to the emotions symbolized by the Bach Flowers : there are no "intermediaries", possible wrong and subjective interpretations and they differ with extreme precision Bach flowers also very similar to each other.

With the use of the Lüscher Test and the two-color flower-color matches, the real causes are revealed in a few minutes and the action of Bach Flowers can be more focused, direct, immediate and profound.

    Viviana Valente - Head of the Max Lüscher center of Rome.

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