Treat with Mantra

Science and vibrations

Numerous scientific researches have now amply demonstrated that in our material universe everything vibrates, oscillates, with its particular frequency, and consequently the vibrations of sound directly affect our mind and our body.

In fact, each cell is equipped with a magnetic field, detectable around each organism with specific instruments. The cells communicate with each other through their magnetic field, sending and receiving the information necessary to perform specific functions. This magnetic field can be considered the memory of the single cell . The vibratory movement of the electrons present in the nucleus of the cell determines changes in the magnetic field of the cell, and consequently modifies the behavior or the function of the cell itself. It follows that it is possible to change the behavior of a cell by introducing vibration frequencies.

Another scientific demonstration of the influence of vibrations on human beings concerns the electrochemical activity of our brain, which manifests itself through electromagnetic waves: brain waves, measurable with electronic devices. The frequency of these waves, calculated in "cycles per second", or Hertz (Hz), varies according to the type of activity in which the brain is engaged. If the brain is subjected to impulses (visual, sound or electrical) of a certain frequency, its natural tendency is to tune into the frequency of that impulse. This phenomenon is called RESONANCE. For example, if a person's brain activity is in the band of beta waves (therefore, in the waking state) and the subject is subjected for a certain period to a stimulus of 10 Hz (alpha waves), his brain tends to to modify his activity in the direction of the stimulus received. This means that if our brain is subjected to vibratory frequencies of a certain type, it is possible to make it work on slower waves, like Theta waves, which awaken our creative and inspiring part, relieve stress, reduce pain by promoting release endorphins and synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain. Recent findings reported by the American Journal of Psychiatry suggest that the increase in Theta activity in the prefrontal areas of the brain leads to a recovery without drugs from severe symptoms of depression.

Resonance is a phenomenon that actually affects the whole body, because different sound frequencies (sounds of different heights) stimulate the vibration of different areas of the body. Furthermore, the different constituent elements of sound act on different parts of the brain. For example, the tone affects the limbic midbrain, which regulates emotions.

This is due to the fact that in the body of every human being there are micro-antennae, known as amino acids, directly connected with DNA, which function as an extremely sophisticated transmitter and receiver of frequencies. Scientists from the HeartMath Institute and other research institutes have discovered that these micro-antennae present on DNA are activated or deactivated by frequencies filtered through DNA. Emotions, thoughts and words have their own vibrational frequency, that is they generate wavelengths of various speeds and durations, which are transmitted thanks to the magnetic field of the human body and individual cells, and which can activate these micro-antennae. Negative emotions, of fear, anxiety, anger and the like activate only some of these "antennas". While positive emotions activate a much higher number of "antennas" because they generate a fast and short wavelength.

Another important recent Russian scientific research shows that DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies. Bringing together linguists and geneticists, Russian researchers have discovered that the genetic code, especially in that apparently useless 90%, follows the same rules as all our human languages. Comparing the rules of syntax, semantics and basic grammatical rules, they discovered that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and have fixed rules as in our languages. The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr ​​Garjajev and his colleagues explored the vibratory behavior of DNA and by modulating certain frequency patterns (sounds) with a laser beam, were able to influence the frequency of DNA and therefore the genetic information itself. Certainly the frequency must be the correct one and this is the reason why not everyone has the same result or can always do it with the same strength.

All this explains well how sound vibrations really act deep within the human being, at the cellular and even DNA level.

The vibrations of the sacred Mantras

The spiritual masters of various cultures and traditions have known for thousands of years the influence of sound on our body, on our mind and on our psyche. They knew very well that our body can be programmed with language, words and thought. This is why MANTRA has been used for centuries in various spiritual traditions, not just in India, to bring back health and joy in everyone's life and raise the level of consciousness. Mantras are not a prayer, but are a precise combination of words and sounds in the form of syllables, words or entire sentences, written in Sanskrit.

Sanskrit is a pure, very ancient language, also called the Language of the Gods, and has the peculiarity that each of the 50 letters, or rather signs called Akshara, of its alphabet ( Devanagari ) is associated with only one sound. Unlike modern languages ​​in which more than one sound is often associated with the same letter (as in Italian the letter C can be read soft as in "ciao" or lasts as in "clear"). In Sanskrit, each Akshara is associated with a particular frequency or vibration that acts on the individual at different levels of consciousness. So the combinations of these Aksharas in the various Mantra help to awaken a certain type of awareness in the individual, depending on the structure of the same. Furthermore, each Sanskrit letter represents a specific form of energy or divine power and embodies a particular form of awareness or Sakti . Sanskrit is also not an invented language, but is born of long and profound meditation practices of great rishis (essays) who have heard these sounds within their bodies and in nature, translating them into written signs.

This is why reciting mantras in Sanskrit is much more powerful and effective than repeating a simple sentence in a modern language. The vibrations of Mantra reconnect us with natural and inner sounds and vibrations, bringing us back into a state of harmony and balance .

Another fundamental aspect that should not be underestimated is that the vibrations of the Mantra are produced by our voice or by our mind, that is, they spring from within, they are generated within us. Reciting a Mantra is therefore an endogenous phenomenon, completely active, creative, under the control and will of the individual. This is why they are so effective and powerful, compared to the sounds produced by various instruments or devices. The devices produce vibratory waves or sounds that can have positive effects, but less than the Mantra, because they are generated externally, in an exogenous and passive way, making us moreover dependent on an external aid. With the Mantra instead we can be completely autonomous and independent on our path to happiness and health.

Also find out about the benefits and practices of Mantra Yoga

The science of Mantra: the Para-Tan

Mantra are the fundamental tool used in PARA-TAN: the Science of the use of sacred sounds (Mantra) Tantric to re-harmonize Body-Mind-Spirit and find one's own balance. This ancient system has been brought to light by the Indian Tantric Master Shri Param Eswaran, a disciple since childhood of the great Sivananda.

Para-Tan has its origins in Shakta Tantrism of South India and has now gained international recognition. It acts on the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual levels because it works on the system of the nadis, our subtle energy channels, and on the chakras, purifying them and thus stimulating the flow of vital energy.

The powerful Mantra of Para-Tan penetrate the body in depth at the cellular level, acting in particular on cellular memories, removing emotional and physical toxins, which manifest themselves with diseases, chronic fatigue, depression and difficulties in relationships and in life. Para-Tan also awakens dormant areas of the brain and the corresponding faculties in the mental and psychic body. This is why Para-Tan is considered a complete system to rebalance the body-mind-soul system.

The specificity of Para-Tan consists above all in Sound Healing, an ancient "treatment" in which certain Mantra suit ( bija sounds ) are practiced directly on the body of another person, in specific points based on the sacred geometry of the Sri Chakra . Each of these ancient sacred sounds vibrates with a particular frequency in tune with that of the different energy channels and chakras, improving the connection with universal energies. Through Para-Tan our natural divine potential for self-healing is reactivated, triggering a spontaneous process towards global health and well-being. The practice of Para-Tan is very simple to learn and is suitable for people of all ages and physical conditions.

Mantra effects

As we have seen, our body, our cells, our DNA are strongly influenced by vibrations. In particular, they are very sensitive to the Mantra vibrations that act inwardly in a subtle, profound and effective way. The repetition of a Mantra is a powerful means to restore inner peace, calm the restless mind, increase the ability to concentrate and gain greater awareness. In fact the word Mantra is composed of the suffix man which in Sanskrit means mind, thought, mental flow and the suffix between which means protecting or liberating. So a Mantra is what frees the mind, protects us from the whirlwind of our thoughts, from fear, anxiety and negativity. With the constant practice of repeating the Mantra ( Japa ), the psychic energies are activated, the nadis are cleaned up (our subtle energy channels), the pineal gland is revitalized, awakening our natural intuitive abilities.

Dr. Deepak Chopra, a famous American endocrinologist, in his publication "Quantum Healing", describes the healing results obtained (in synergy with other therapies) against CANCER. These results were achieved through the development of self-awareness and self-knowledge, stimulating the physiological potential of the individual, using the "primordial sound" of Mantra OM.

Other scientific researches have shown that the constant repetition of a mantra ( Japa ) alleviates the main cause of cardiac stress, reducing the burden of environmental and intrapsychic stress that is transmitted from the hypothalamus (connected with the limbic system) to the electroconductive fibers of the heart through the Sympathetic System. It follows that thanks to the repetition of the Mantra, the heart rate, blood pressure and work of the cardiovascular system are reduced, thus reducing the possibility of having heart attacks and other diseases related to the cardiovascular system.

The subtle harmonic vibrations of the Mantra, both mental and vocal, act as a means of cleaning and purifying our consciousness and the subconscious, and over time lead to the replacement of negative feelings with positive thoughts, giving a sense of gratitude and serenity .

One of the results obtained immediately with the practice of Mantra is the control of respiration, which is the means by which the ability to manage one's emotions can be developed. In fact, when we manage to place the breath and the emotions under control, the mood swings disappear, the awareness of the current moment grows and we reach a state of quiet and indescribable bliss.

Thanks to the power of the practice of Mantra, we gradually move away from the old patterns of thought and behavior that until now have limited us, destabilized us and caused suffering.

The benefits of practicing Mantra depend on the individual, his starting point, his current state, his past lives and the intensity and passion he puts into practice. A certain effect is found however even if the Mantra is mechanically repeated.

Mantra is not a magic pill, but rather a constant stream of water that gradually erodes even the hardest rock.


For thousands of years mantras have been used as a tool to restore one's health and complete and lasting well-being. Hundreds of people in the world now practice Para-Tan and have witnessed, also through video, the extraordinary effectiveness of this ancient system. Personally I have been practicing Para-Tan for several years and I can confirm the absolute validity of this method for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Thanks to Para-Tan, which I learned directly from Master Shri Param Eswaran, my approach to the situations and challenges of life has improved, I have become calmer and more lucid, more smiling and more serene. My health has improved and I have been able to resolve chronic disorders that I had been dragging on for years. My relationships with people have also changed for the better. I conclude by inviting readers to experience first-hand this powerful and accessible system that can really bring back a lasting peace and well-being.

The research is cited in the book "Vernetzte Intelligenz" by Von Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf, ISBN 3930243237. The book is available only in German. It is possible to contact the authors via the website // Kontext - Forum for Border Science.

Swami Sivananda Radha (1994)

Frawley D. (2010)

Tigunait R. (1996)

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