Sciatic nerve and vitamin B12: what is the bond?

The so-called sciatic nerve is considered to be the longest nerve in the body, which starts from the hips to descend down both legs.

Its inflammation or other problems related to it can have numerous causes ; one of these could be a deficiency of vitamin B12, which can manifest itself as a pain in the lower and rear part of the body, as well as an annoying suffering to the posterioer part of the legs, especially in the calf, or in the back of the tibial nerve.

Cobalamin or vitamin B12, in fact, has an important role in the production of myelin, a complex system of various proteins that make up a layer of fatty film around the nerves, with a function neither more nor less similar to that of a plastic coating insulation around electrical cables.

If this coating becomes depleted due to a vitamin B12 deficiency, the pain is felt.

B12 deficiency and sciatica

A decrease in vitamin B12 reserves can also manifest in a slowing down of electrical information along nerve tracts and a deficiency in the regeneration of cells and nervous coverings .

How do you identify a potential B12 deficiency reflected in the sciatic nerve? It can take the form of a strong constant burning, which is sharpened when walking or during the bending movements of the area affected by pain, which can sometimes reach debilitating levels.

These symptoms could also be linked to a non-serious form of herniated disc, but if a visit does not confirm this diagnosis, then the likelihood of a vitamin B 12 deficiency would increase, as would the need for screening to remove any doubt.

Other minor symptoms are weakness in the legs, loss of power in running, problems with urination, especially in the form of mild incontinence.

Foot reflexology for sciatica

Scientific studies on the link between vitamin B12 deficiency and sciatic nerve

Around the year 2000, double-blind, placebo-controlled experiments were carried out, in which, in numerous cases of sciatic nerve pain, volunteers aged between 18 and 65 were given vitamin B12 via the inframuscular route.

What did you get at? Progress in terms of sciatic nerve pain reduction and rehabilitation was significantly better in the groups to which vitamin B12 was administered regularly intramuscularly. This also happened in patients without obvious symptoms of dietary deficiencies in the specific vitamin.

This would indicate that in the case of a vitamin deficiency one of the first symptoms would be a pain in the sciatic nerve, since one of the first consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency would be the deterioration of the protective tissue of the nerves .

Pain in the sciatic nerve: what to do?

In the case of serious problems, it is necessary to seek medical attention, perform routine tests, not only screening to examine the vitamin reserves but also tests to test power and muscular reflexes, so as to notice any unjustified drops.

Normally, if a vitamin B12 deficiency is detected, the doctor rectifies the diet and administers B12 vitamin supplements ; however, wait for your doctor to prescribe them and avoid diagnoses and remedies from you .

While we will carry on the invigorating care based on vitamin B12 supplement, to alleviate sciatic nerve pain nothing better than a daily ice-based treatment, to be placed for about twenty minutes on the painful part. The ice never sits directly on the skin but leans on it with a cloth .

Despite unnatural pairs, a gentle massage, even in case of pain, helps the blood flow, the nerve tissue and therefore the release of endorphins acting as an endogenous painkiller ; it is also possible, if the pain permits, a routine exercise, not excessively demanding, as a lightly made bicycle could be, can help.

Sciatica problems? Try yoga

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