Discover integral yoga through Satprem

Italy is one of the most represented nations when we take a look at the number of people somehow linked or connected to integral yoga and to Mother and Sri Aurobindo.

Asking around we can easily discover that the first contact had with integral yoga is a rather common passage, namely the reading of the book Sri Aurobindo the adventure of consciousness, of Satprem.

This text, very often still recommended to those who want to approach and begin to know something more about integral yoga, was wanted by the Mother to make Sri Aurobindo's work accessible to everyone.

Short biography of Satprem

Satprem is obviously not the first name of this writer, adventurer, unruly and rebellious, yogi, tantric and a thousand other things, the most important of which is perhaps that of representative of the human being in the face of evolution .

He was born in Brittany in 1923 , a land that during his childhood symbolized a special form of freedom to which he will remain bound (and to which he would have remained loyal) for the rest of his life.

During his youth he became a member of the French resistance and was interned in the Nazi concentration camps, where he experienced a total human devastation that put him before the essence of being.

Survived by the concentration camps, he found himself unfit to lead a common human life after the intensity of such an experience and set out to travel the world: Egypt, India, French Guiana, Brazil, Africa, Afghanistan ... until he was called back to India where, in its indocile and true manner, gradually found its place as a "scribe" of evolution and a disciple chosen to put down in the form of a book not only the humanly approachable summary of Sri Aurobindo's work, but also the acme more intense of integral yoga, or the yoga of the cells of the Mother .

Satprem's gold digger

The first major work produced is Il cercatore d'oro, a fictional autobiography, full of the influence that André Gide's existentialism had on him.

A twilight text that winks at the dawn, testimony of the sorrowful angels of a collapsing world, of beating on the door of a new threshold as the first anthropoid who wanted to be a man had to do in his forest.

It is a text in which many identify themselves, many in search of chissacché who do not let themselves be duped by precooked answers. For Satprem, writing this book was an opportunity to get rid of this common burden of an ascending humanity .

The only hope that justifies the night of the soul is to know that " the human being is a transitional being ", to quote Sri Aurobindo.

Sri Aurobindo the adventure of Satprem consciousness

Sri Aurobindo the adventure of conscience is a text wanted by the Mother and inspired by Sri Aurobindo . It is no longer a question of philosophy, religion, theology or mere thought.

Satprem with its fiery trait represents the aspiration of a humanity without dogmas, a virgin in front of a virgin island, before the revolutionary work of integral yoga, proposed in a way that is systematic and deeply inspired at the time.

It starts feeding the nameless fire in the heart of every true researcher, it goes through the pacification of the intermediate vital levels and the mental silence to reach what is considered the arrival point of all the classic yoga, to then go beyond and wink at the worlds above., which are the heart of the revolution represented by integral yoga, and the transformation of matter .

The genesis of the superman of Satprem

This is followed by a magnificent text, The Genesis of the Superman, which, despite the somewhat unfortunate Nietzschean title, further develops the evolutionary and sociological steps of the effect that the supramental has (and will have) on the human being, making him a conscious collaborator of evolution and of its own transition to the supra-mental being.

Mère's Agenda

However, as mentioned, the acme of integral yoga lies in the yoga of the cells of the Mother, and the work that contemplates it is The Agenda of M is king: 13 volumes for more than 6000 pages in which Satprem faithfully follows the daily discoveries of the Mother regarding the impact of the supramental in the cellular consciousness, in the depth of matter in transformation and evolution . More than a spiritual text, more than a fairy tale, more than a book of adventures, more than a magical grimoire.

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