Treat yourself well with homemade creams

We are not talking about pastry creams or other sins of which it is better to fall prey once in a while, so as not to find ourselves with the humor on the ground and fat rolls to keep us company.

No, we are talking about those creams that can be made manbassa instead, those for which, if you mistake the ingredients, at most you find yourself with the brightest skin, the less marked dark circles. Homemade creams are a world to be explored that gives beauty to you and well-being to the planet.

Good reasons to go for homemade creams

But why go with homemade creams, when it would be so simple to throw in the cart the first product that promises us a beautiful and relaxed skin, a smooth body?

First of all, so as not to miss the opportunity to re-establish contact with yourself . You prepare the product, you spread it, the direction of the fingers convey it to you. No one knows your body better than you. If the dark circles are marked, if the signs around the mouth worry you a little, if there is a scar on which it would be better to remain gently, if there is a point particularly affected by cellulite.

Secondly, homemade creams are a great way to give vent to your creativity and put it at the service of beauty. Chop, blend, cut into small pieces, mix until you reach a homogeneous mixture. Masks, wraps, poultices. You name it, there is only to test on its own skin the natural ingredients chosen based on their actual properties.

Tertium datur, the use of fresh ingredients, coming from nature, guarantees a high content of active ingredients, such as fruit acids, vitamin E of oil seeds or wheat germ, the squalene of extra virgin olive oil of olive.

Discover also the properties of natural soothing creams

Recipe for natural homemade detergent

We leave you with an ad hoc recipe to prepare a natural facial cleanser composed of a rather special ingredient: your touch. In addition, three exceptional allies: almond, soothing, clay, detergent, lavender, rebalancing.

You need a handful of peeled almonds (or a handful of almond flour), a spoonful of aloe gel, a heaping teaspoon of clay (white is more delicate, aggressive green), an eco-organic tonic of your choice as required, two two drops of lavender essential oil.

Chop the almonds finely in the blender, and mix them with the rest of the ingredients until the mixture is almost solid. Detach a piece of the mixture, mix it in water in the palm of your hand, when it reaches the right creaminess, spread it on your face. The cream that advances after the do-it-yourself beauty session you can safely store in a jar that you put in the fridge until the next appointment in which Venus will be the custodian.

Do you know how to make emulsions to prepare creams?

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