Everything in nature follows its own rhythm, precise cycles, in an almost perfect balance. Humans have evolved by breaking free from the natural environment, almost forgetting it, but every woman knows that this is not the case: the cycle of life, from adolescence to adult life, pregnancy and menopause, is governed by great natural laws from which we cannot ignore it.
Many ailments derive from being removed from the natural balance.
Here then from naturopathy the most valuable advice for women.
The modern reinterpretation of ancient medicines and new discoveries, the combination of wisdom, techniques and natural remedies. This is naturopathy, a discipline with distant roots, now internationally recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Naturopathy educates and helps bring the human body back to its natural balance and well-being at all levels: body-mind-spirit.
Women's health
The woman's body follows her own rhythms, in harmony with nature, the seasons, the moon. There is a fine hormonal regulation guided by a " deep wisdom", placed in the brain, where emotions and chemical impulses, instincts, external stimuli and signals from the internal organs converge.
Eating can also play an important role in conditioning a woman's state of health : eating too much or too little can also cause changes in the menstrual cycle.
Opposing all this, or not recognizing it as a fact, could lead to more or less serious imbalances and discomforts .
Advice for women from naturopathy
In naturopathy the advice for women all start from a common base: recovering awareness of one's body, its natural rhythms and its needs.
Wanting to summarize and simplify as much as possible, we can then group together the fundamental themes for women's health in four major areas of interest: cycle, fertility, menopause and weight . Naturopathy has advice for each of these. Let's see them together.
Cycle tips
- Restoration of hormonal balance : trace elements (zinc-copper), raspberry bud derivative; plant phytoestrogens (soy, clover, sage, cimicifuga), plant-like plants (agnocasto, dioscorea), calendula and artemisia
- Rebalance of insulin imbalances, through a balanced diet
- Supplements : vitamins A, E and B6, algae (klamat, spirulina)
- Hydrotherapy : compresses
- Imaginative distension or psycho-corporeal techniques for stress management .
Fertility Advice
The woman's body is "built" for conception : the reserves of fat (the much-hated "bearings") serve for pregnancy, the menstrual cycle disappears in the event of excessive weight loss. Often for conception it is not desired, or sought with fury without results. In most cases the problem is not linked to serious diseases, but to a hormonal imbalance, which may have psychological, environmental, nutritional causes.
The first advice is to turn towards oneself and towards one's own cycles, to observe and understand one's femininity and sexuality . Naturopathy advice for fertility: phytotherapy with Red Clover, Linseed Oil, Damiana, Rubus ulmifolius (blackberry tree); magnesium supplementation.
You can explore all the properties and contraindications of damiana
Tips for menopause
Menopause is a period of great transformations for women: the body changes inexorably. We arrive at a new stage of existence, natural, which also brings great opportunities . Naturopathy recommends not to oppose this phase, but to face it prepared and aware. In practice, here are some food tips: whole grains, legumes, fresh vegetables, red fruits, soy (phytohormones similar to female estrogens); fresh foods, not preserved, without additives ; proteins, especially vegetables (soy, lupins ); vegetable fats, favoring extra virgin olive oil. General tips : make a pleasant and daily physical activity, dedicate yourself to new creative and exciting activities .
Properties, calories and nutritional values of lupins
Weight tips
In the view of naturopathy, the only way to eat is to introduce into the body only what it really needs. The body needs small amounts of food. Everyone will find the right amount when, during the meal, he feels he is no longer hungry: it is less difficult than it seems. We need to train our awareness, recover confidence with the signals that the body sends us and say yes and no precise.
SI - FOOD : Fresh, seasonal whole grains, legumes, vegetables and organic fruit; foods not stored without additives ; proteins, especially vegetables or white meat and blue fish; vegetable fats, favoring extra virgin olive oil, favoring the variety of foods.
YES - ACTIVITIES : Eat at main meals introducing protein at every meal and possibly add 2 light snacks ; have a hearty breakfast, a substantial lunch, a light dinner; do not nibble out of meal; do a pleasant daily physical activity ; eat very slowly, savoring every bite; drink plenty of water, between meals (so as not to slow down digestion); live your passions, look for the novelties in your life.
NO - FOOD : Refined white sugar, refined grains poor in fiber, snacks and all packaged and pre-cooked products, with the addition of chemicals, saturated animal fats (butter, lard and the like), salt.
NO - ACTIVITY : sedentary life, habits, excessive programming, overlapping commitments, flat and monotonous life.