Natural cures for tendonitis

The tendons appear as filaments at the ends of the muscles and are therefore their fibrous extension.

They serve to insert the skeletal muscles on the respective bones and are made of collagen and covered by a synovial sheath that allows the tendon to slide on the surrounding structures. The set consisting of tendons, bones and muscles allows motility and posture .

A good muscular functioning is based on a good bone strength and a good tendon flexibility : when one of these apparatuses is suffering to suffer is all the supporting structure and body movement.

Let's see then what are the causes, the symptoms and the cures for inflammation of the tendons, or tendinitis.

Tendonitis: symptoms and causes

Tendons are found in all muscles and serve to flexibly weld them to the bones. Talking about tendonitis actually means talking about 2 types of tendon inflammation :

  1. that of the actual tendons,
  2. that of the synovial sheath.

Finally, there is tendinosis, which is a degenerative process of tendons.

The main symptom is local pain, and it often presents as progressive and can lead to the immobilization of the muscles and limbs affected. Another symptom is the swelling with swelling of the affected tendon area.

The acute pains are aggravated with the resumption of the movement after the immobility, to go gradually improving.

The causes can concern the mechanical stress of the muscle-tendon structure : tendinitis often manifests itself initially with mild symptoms which, progressively ignored, are aggravated up to the pain in the movement and the swelling of the interested part.

Non-ergonomic and repeated movements, extreme stress on the limbs and joints are the mechanical causes of injury to the collagen of the tendons and the sheath that covers them.

There are also physiological causes : metabolic diseases that damage the production of collagen and synovial sheath, arthritis, gitta, diabetes.

Finally the overweight, since, going to load beyond measure the musculoskeletal structure, it rests on the tendons and this can lead to tendonitis even in the absence of flawed movements and postures.

The segments of the body most affected by tendonitis consist of all those muscles that are normally used more frequently and have the freedom of different types of movement:

  • the foot and the ankle, for the continuous stress during walking and running, and for being the extremities on which the whole weight of the body insists; during the movement of support and detachment from the ground, be it for a simple walk or for a run, the Achilles tendon finds itself having to manage micro-movements of eversion and inversion (rotation of the plant towards the outside and rotation of the plant towards the inside) and dorsal and plantar flexion; the impact with the ground and the continuous and sudden adjustment of the balance brings the tendon to frequent and sudden mechanical stresses;

  • the shoulder : the movements of the shoulder are abduction and adduction, flexion, extension and rotation; in the presence of loads the arm and forearm muscle finds itself having to continually adjust its position, aggravated by the weight of the transported; in sportsmen (swimmers, volleyball players, etc.), the joint performs the movement repeatedly and in the presence of effort, often in a flawed manner;

  • the wrist and the forearm : as for the shoulder, the combined movements that the muscle and tendons can perform are varied; unlike the shoulder, however, the mechanical stresses that cause inflammation are not due to the repetition of any movements under stress and loaded, but to flawed positions that force the muscle and tendon into postures that are too long contracted or too long.

Arm tendonitis: how to cure it

Tendonitis: natural cures

Tendonitis usually announces itself with stiffness in the joints and creaking. Before the acute onset of painful symptoms the body sends messages that, if listened to, can help us to avoid the onset of tendinitis and true and proper.

Stiffness and soreness of muscles and joints are also useful signals that invite rest.

However, in cases where you have not been able to listen to your body, you can alleviate the painful symptoms due to tendonitis using the following natural remedies:

  • in the case of swelling the compresses of ventilated green clay are useful;

  • the arnica montana oil and in general all the remedies based on arnica montana are an excellent anti-inflammatory;

  • black currant in mother tincture acts as a natural cortisone and relieves pain .

In any case, rest is always the best cure: tendonitis reaches the acute phase of painful symptoms in a couple of days and is exhausted, if the rest times are respected and if the activity that led to the onset of symptoms is suspended . In a week.

In the most serious or recurrent cases it is important to rely on a specialist, be it osteopathic or kinesiologist or orthopedist .

How to give well-being to the muscles

To know more:

> Muscles, disorders and natural remedies

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