The climatotherapy

The climatotherapy

The climate, as we know, greatly influences our organism. Excessive or sudden manifestations of cold, wind, rain and humidity cause not only colds and influences, but also a series of emotional disturbances, such as anxiety, depression, apathy, sadness and so on. As if to say, seasonal ills.

This is exactly what climatotherapy studies. The effect a certain climate has on the subject. From here the climatotherapist proposes a stay in a place with a different climate, which can benefit the health of the traveler.

First of all, we evaluate the differences between the starting climate, the usual one from which we flee, and the arrival one. The differences are used to calculate the adaptation time . Normally, a climate change activates a period of adaptive stress in the human body, which can range from one week to twenty days. In this period, the body works a lot and it is necessary not to subject it to excessive efforts.

Remember that when you change the climate, especially the hunger and the sleep cycle change, so it is important, during climatotherapy, to observe a correct and healthy lifestyle.

The climatotherapist then examines the disorder or pathology complained of by the subject, together with the degree of manifestation or intensity and begins to analyze different parameters, such as age, lifestyle, physical and mental conditions and biological rhythms of the person. Following this analysis, it suggests the most suitable climatotherapy destination . Let's see what to choose from.

Examples of climatotherapy

Sea or lake? Mountain or hill? Wood or plain? Every climate is associated with certain pathologies and allows certain benefits.

Mountain climatotherapy : the mountain is recommended for hyperthyroidism, gastritis and pathologies of the digestive system and hepatitis. The little ones go to the mountains for insomnia, infections / inflammations of the epidermis and the respiratory system, asthma, irritability or lack of appetite.

Hilly climate therapy : the hill is recommended for cardiac, respiratory and wasting diseases.

Forest or forest climatotherapy : the forest is useful in case of insomnia and stress.

Marine climatotherapy : sea air is charged with negative ions, capable of determining positive reactions on respiration and metabolism. At the sea you can also practice thalassotherapy. Among the treatable disorders thanks to this climate there are bronchitis, ear infections and nasopharyngitis, rheumatism, allergies and skin diseases.

Lake climatotherapy : the lake is indicated for depression and anxiety.

Plain climatotherapy : the tranquil climate of the flat expanses is recommended for all those subjects not adaptable to all other types of climate.

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