What is tapping?

Also known as EFT, or "Emotional Freedom Technique", "Tapping Therapy" which MMT "Meridian Tapping" is a simple technique, short and affordable for everyone: just hands, a quiet place to stay and a handful of minutes .

Gary Craig was the inventor and founder and already in 1995 he started working, also creating a personal site "Emofree" with lots of explanatory videos, tutorials and online store to stay up to date.

Tapping to free the body's energies

The tapping technique, from the English " tapping, tamburellare " has long been known as a musical technique, above all connected to stringed instruments like the guitar, and in Italy it is spreading only in recent years also in other sectors.

From there, in fact, the instrument on which to apply it has become the human body ; yes, because through the tapping you go to solicit some points of the body, as happens with the strings of the guitar, to get certain answers. Let's see together what they are.

How the tapping works

The principle underlying the functioning of this simple practice is linked to the fact that blocks accumulate over time in the organism which prevent positive energies from flowing freely; these blocks can interfere both psychologically and physically .

To free the blocks and restore the correct flow of energies and to what they are attached to they act in deteminate points of the body, tapping and "drumming" them with the fingertips .

The points are mostly located on the face, neck, chest and hands. With the fingertips or fingertips, following a specific diagram and order, you go on tapping gently repeating phrases or words that help to unlock and focus on the negativity to be released. It is generally tapped 5-7 times or even more at the same point.

Through the tapping we go to act on the subconscious, changing the negative conviction that we have of ourselves, of our abilities and possibilities.

What unlocks this technique?

This is a practice that would alleviate metabolic disorders, anxiety and anxiety, panic attacks, severe physical pain and psychological trauma, colon disorders, shyness, communication and socialization difficulties, phobias, anger, nervous tics, even dyslexia and dependencies : according to its inventor, tapping would be useful in many cases.

To go in search of the energy points of the body, it is based on the principle of acupuncture, and therefore of Eastern philosophies. The energy that flows through the body follows precise energy meridians: if it stops at certain points, it is there that we must act. Practically the tapping is to be considered a type of acupuncture in which instead of the needles on they use the fingers.

Also read the interview with Andrew Lewis on the effectiveness of EFT

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